As of 6/30/2019, the impact we've been able to have on our world through Shoes for Shoes. We've collected more than $1100!

As of 6/30/2019, the impact we've been able to have on our world through Shoes for Shoes. We've collected more than $1100!

Shoes for Shoes!

Look for the Special Boxes in our Classroom at the farm!

If you'd like to add a box to your location, that would be terrific!

Equi-librium receives $0.50 per pound of shoes. The money is used to offset the farrier bills we pay to keep the horses shod. Would you be willing to be a collection location? All that’s required is space enough for a 1 foot square and 4 foot high branded collection box, and a sign to display with it. If you’re willing, please let us know if you’d like to display one or more boxes at your facility. We’ll bring the boxes and the signs – all you need to do is let us know when the box is full. If you call us at 610-365-2266, we’ll be by to collect the shoes so the box can be filled again.

It’s a simple request, but we will be so grateful for your help and partnership!

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