Community Egg Hunt & Spring Celebration

*Featuring pony plop bingo*

sunday, april 6, 2025

Visit the Farm for a festival of Spring activities including:

  • Easter Egg Hunt (accessible for all ages and abilities)

  • Meet the Easter Bunny

  • Photos with our Horses

  • Meet-and-greet with our farm animals

  • Games and Crafts

  • Bake Sale

  • Vendor Fair

  • Basket Raffle

  • Pony Plop Bingo (See Below!)

Pre-registration is required of all egg hunt participants. In order to ensure that everyone has a great experience, we will have four heats that will begin promptly at the times listed below. Egg hunt participants should sign up for one of four designated heats and will receive a wristband at check-in specific to that heat.


Parents/guardians/non-participating family members do not need a paid wristband and will be permitted to accompany participant throughout all activities. Walk-up registrations will not be accepted due to the need to ensure enough prizes, craft supplies, and more for all who register.

.::Wristband Fee::.

Pre-registration wristband fee is $10 per egg hunt/activity participant. This event is rain or shine and may be modified or moved indoors due to weather. Activities may still be held outdoors in light rain. No refunds will be issued due to non-attendance, failure to arrive in time for your designated egg hunt heat, or weather.

Equi-librium is a non-profit organization serving individuals of all ages through the benefits of equine-assisted services. Additional donations are always appreciated!

.::Easter Egg Hunt Times::.

10:30 am | Guests should be checked in by 10:15 to participate in the egg hunt.

11:30 am | Guests should be checked in by 11:15 to participate in the egg hunt.

12:30 pm | Guests should be checked in by 12:15 to participate in the egg hunt.

1:30 pm | Guests should be checked in by 1:15 to participate in the egg hunt.

Guests are welcome to arrive early / stay after their egg hunt to participate in additional activities throughout the farm.


100 squares. 4 games. $2,000 in prize money!


$35 per square, per game -or- $100 for all four games
Squares will be available for purchase online until sold out.

Online pre-sale closes 24 hours before the event begins -or- until sold out, whichever occurs first. Should any spots remain after the pre-sale concludes, they will be available to purchase in-person at our Egg Hunt event and Pony Plop Bingo on Sunday, April 6th.


- Our arena will be evenly divided in 100 numbered squares
- You will be assigned a square number at random 24 hours before the event begins, and a map will be emailed to you.
- At the beginning of each round, two horses will be turned out in the arena.
- The first square in which either of the horses drops their plop will be the winner, and will receive $500!


Game #1: 10:00 am - Sonny and Buford
Game #2: 11:00 am - Star and Eddie
Game #3: 12:00 pm - Rosie, Jackie and Libby
Game #4: 1:00 pm - George and Lito


Q: What happens if the horse poops on the line between two or more squares?
A: The $500 prize money will be divided equally between the 2+ squares

Q: What happens if no "plopping" happens?
A: At the end of the hour, we will randomly draw a number from a bucket. That number will be the winner.

Q: What happens if the horse "plops" in a square that has not been purchased/assigned?
A: If this happens, we will randomly draw a number from a bucket. That number will be the winner.

Q: What happens if it rains?
A: In the event of bad weather, we will adapt the event to indoors if possible *or* will reschedule for the next sunny day.

Q: Do I have to be present to win?

Q: Will I be able to livestream the event?
A: While we will do our best to stream as much as possible of the event through Facebook Live, each game can take up to one hour, and streaming interruptions are likely. However, we will share photos, videos, and live updates on our social media channels throughout the entirety of the event!

Q: Can I buy more than one square?
A: Absolutely!

.::Please Note::.

Equi-librium is a working farm with multiple acres of dirt, rocks, mud, uneven terrain, and live animals. Only select building areas are climate controlled. Accessible parking is available for those who need it, but main parking will be in a grass field a short walk from the activity areas. Please dress and plan accordingly!

Upon entering the property, you assume the risk of equine activities pursuant to Pennsylvania law. This is a public event that may be photographed